Monday, June 02, 2008

Grouchy Much?

This morning I woke to three bickering children who couldn't agree on breakfast. One wanted pancakes and the other two wanted eggs and bacon I wanted them to eat cereal which would have been easier. Running short on time and having to drive to three different schools. My patience was wearing thin. When we finally made it to the car I realized that I hadn't packed my son's lunch. I asked him if he would just buy it today and he started to cry. My girls started yelling at him to be quiet which in turn made him cry even harder. That was the straw that broke the camel's back! I yelled really loud to just shut-up! My husband and I rarely say that and they are forbidden to say it to each other. The car became deathly silent as I headed out the driveway. About half way to the first school my middle child said "Mom, you tell us not to say that. Why did you say it? Ouch! She was right. I had been very rude and hateful to them all morning. I was extremely grouchy. I didn't sleep well the night before and I could hardly get out of bed. It wasn't their fault. I shouldn't have taken it out on them. Ephesians 4:2 says "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love." I was anything but patient and I surely wasn't acting in love or bearing with my children. My prayer this day is that all of us mom's think before we react. I know how hard it is to be a mother and our children seem to try us more than anyone else. If we pray before getting out of bed each morning for God to give us patience He promises He will. Let us act in love in everything we do no matter what the situation.

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